[[biometria:parsival:publico|{{biometria:parsival:publico:u1152-nice-tree-of-life.jpg?50x50| Parsivalis Página Inicial }}]] //**Parsivalis Página Inicial**// ====== Religious Truths (Anonimous) ====== === TAOISM: === Shit happens. === CONFUCIANISM: === Confucius says, "Shit happens" === BUDDHISM: === If shit happens, it is no really shit. === ZEN BUDDHISM: === What is the sound of shit happening? === HINDUISM: === This shit happened before. === ISLAM: === If shit happens, it is the will of Allah. === PROTESTANTISM: === Let shit happen to someone else. === CATHOLICISM: === If shit happens, you deserve it. === JUDAISM: === Why does shit happen to us? === RAJNEESH: === Shit happens, Be happy! === NEW AGE: === We can finish that shit that happened before! \\ \\ \\ //**New additions:**// \\ \\ === TEOSOPHY === Shit happens due to cosmic influences. === ANTROPOSOPHY === Steiner says, "Shit happens due to cosmic influences, but we shall act upon it".