Tabela de conteúdos

RForMen: R Forest Mensuration

Our Goal: RForMen is a package of functions for performing data manipulation and analysis in R environment according to quantitative techniques used in Forest Mensuration and Forest Quantitative Ecology.

The Basic "Structure"

RForMen will have 3 basic compenents that should be in the same package because we may need functions of the different components to do a data analysis in Forest Mensuration:

A) ForVeg - Forest Vegetation

Quantitative tools for Vegetation Ecology, such as

B) Dendron - Dendrometric Tools

Toos for data manipulation at level of: stem cross-section, individual stem, and individual tree

C) ForSur - Forest Survey

Functions that operate on plot level data to produce forest level estimates and reports. The idea is to be able to process a Complete Forest Inventory in a very flexible way. This component should be left as the last one!!

What it should be able to do?

Old Friend "Phyton"

Our old friend “Phyton” will have to be adapted