Our Goal: RForMen is a package of functions for performing data manipulation and analysis in R environment according to quantitative techniques used in Forest Mensuration and Forest Quantitative Ecology.
The Basic "Structure"
RForMen will have 3 basic compenents that should be in the same package because we may need functions of the different components to do a data analysis in Forest Mensuration:
A) ForVeg - Forest Vegetation
Quantitative tools for Vegetation Ecology, such as
“Vegetation composition”: quantitative analyses by (tree) species, i.e., our brand new approach to replace the old and obsolete “phytossociology” approach.
“Forest structure”: (tree) size structure analyses based on DBH distribution.
“Diversity indeces”:
“Abundance models”: (we might not need it!!!)
“Taxonomic Distinctness”:
Toos for data manipulation at level of: stem cross-section, individual stem, and individual tree
stem2tree - this function already exists but need some “refinisshing”, it aggregates stem data to individual tree level.
sec2stem - this one does not exists!!! The idea is to aggregate cross-section data to stem level, i.e., to produce volume/biomass for logs and stems using:
tree2plot - new function: aggregates tree data to plot (sampling unit) level. To points to consider:
C) ForSur - Forest Survey
Functions that operate on plot level data to produce forest level estimates and reports. The idea is to be able to process a Complete Forest Inventory in a very flexible way. This component should be left as the last one!!
What it should be able to do?
Apply different sampling designs:
SRS - simple random sampling (the basics first)
Sist - sistematic sampling, possibly with computation of “intra-cluster correlation coefficiente” for variance correction when there are more than one sistematic sample in the area.
Strat - stratified sampling
DS - Double sampling
others . . .
Apply geostatistics as a “model based sampling” in Forest Surveys!!!!!!!
Fast report productions (let's make our lives easier!!!), with standard output tables for writing reports in LaTeX (let's make our lives A LOT easier!!!!)
Fast standard plot presentation functions (let's make our lives EVEN easier!!!!)
Old Friend "Phyton"
Our old friend “Phyton” will have to be adapted